Layered Photography

Layered Photography


Layered photography is a very powerful type of service that I offer. While it is still very much a photography service… it is also very much a therapy. A therapy that has offered others hope and healing! And, I am honored to not only offer this service to others, but to receive from it myself. In fact, that is how Layered Photography began.

In February of 2017, I was in a pretty tough spot and needing some help in expressing and seeing things that were deep inside my heart. I was journaling and talking to my therapist, but as it turns out, words weren't enough, so, I went to a junkyard.  I came to embrace the truth  that just as a mechanic can see the best in a rusted out car, God sees the best in me. He can restore brokenness, and He wants to!  He is an expert at taking our imperfections and using us for incredible things.
This project was eventually called Restorable, and you can soak it all in

Restorable Project inspired me to offer a special service to others... a service that helps others SEE and express the deeper layers of their own hearts and their unique stories.

You can scroll down here to read about the steps of what a Layered Photography service might look like for you. 

If you would like to
 learn more about the experience, be sure to visit the layered photography blog, or better yet, just send me an email..lets chat. 

May these pictures and stories encourage you in your own life's story!
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Here is what a Layered Photography session might look like for you…

1. First, we meet in person, over the phone, or a computer screen meeting. This is when you get the opportunity to share the parts of your story that you want me to know. As I listen to you, I will likely be feeling with you, because your story is real and personal…. But I will possibly also be imagining ways to capture those precious pieces of your heart. I might be asking you questions to make sure I am understanding you correctly. I will not be asking questions to pry in areas where you are not comfortable to share.

2. If needed, we will meet again and go over what you shared and chat about the kind of experience and photos that we will need to create. Sometimes these photos are captured in a jail cell, sometimes a junk yard, while other times I will capture clients in an open field, or - you name it. Your session will be completely unique to you and your heart.

3. We will meet for your session. As we go through the steps of capturing your story we will also interact and I might remind you of things that you shared with me. I desire to give you an experience that later you will replay through the pictures that are taken.

4. In a few weeks your pictures will be ready for you! In the past, I have met with the individual to go over the photos, to walk through the memories, to rehearse the experience… I sort of hold their hand a bit to launch them into a time of using the photos to further them along in their creative therapy. Some have also taken their photos to their professional therapist and used them to express what words just simply can’t.

5. These photos and this experience will be yours. It will be respected and private… no one needs to see them...ever! Unless, of course you want others to see or hear about this gift in your journey. There are some who would like me to share on behalf of them… for this, I write up a blog post describing the experience with my words and the pictures we took. For some, they find it valuable to write on their own and I will then share it on my blog for them. While others hold their photos and thoughts quietly and safely. Whatever your need, whatever you choose... my prayer is that you will feel respected.

If you would like to see some of my personal layered photography projects and some that I have done for others, please take some time (and maybe a cozy drink) and browse through my blog. I hope that you are encouraged and I hope that these projects extend comfort and hope to you in your own journey!  

Restorable Project

L O V E  N O T E S 

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